Friday, December 18, 2009

New experiences

I recently had the opportunity to interact extensively with a new kind of people. The kind of people who, till now, I was easily able to avoid till now.

The kind which I didn’t like as they were not straight forward. This kind is unable to say anything directly and clearly. They will put up the most fake face in front of you. They’ll be all nice to you, but its not hard to see that things are not as they look. They cannot say anything directly. Everything will go in a round-about way.

What is interesting is that they are not even that good at putting up masks. You’d think that if they did it all the time, they would at least be good at it. But obviously they aren’t.

What is worse is that interacting with such people can make you bad too. You don’t feel like talking straight to them and giving it that easy. You intentionally want to twist it around for them – probably they love to twist as that is the way they would like it too!

I realized that I’d been able to conveniently avoid such people as I always had the choice to choose the people I want to make friends with/ live with. But in a foreign country that choice is often limited.

1 comment:

Younger said...

Be very careful about who you choose as your company.

People's way of thinking is contagious ;)