Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pets – is it fair?

We all love animals, at least that’s what most people claim. More so, people who love animals also like to keep them as pets. I too once kept a pet – a rabbit. I found it really cute and decided to give it a shot. However, after some time I realized that I was unable to keep the rabbit happy. Probably the rabbit just missed other rabbits. Or maybe it was just me. Overall, I realize that as much as I like animals, it’s just not fair to keep them as pets, that too alone. It’s about as bad as keeping them in a cage. Some animals, specially dogs seem to do fine with human attentions, they can probably related to them and interact them. But animals lower in the food chain, with lesser developed senses, like rabbits, fishes, turtles, birds, are not able to connect. You may be taking the best care possible, but you are a human at the end of the day!

Having Said That

When we talk, we like to talk such that new sentence is related to the previous sentence is some way. People use a variety of phrases for the same. When I started working, I realized the culture was to use ‘so’. Every sentence started with ‘so’ and hence (and I use another such word) could be linked to the previous one. It was a smart way to start a sentence. Now as I have joined college (specifically, a B-school), I’ve come across another more interesting phrase – ‘having said that’. What is ‘that’, whether ‘that’ is related, whether it was required to say ‘that’ to be able to say the next sentence, are all irrelevant questions. Interestingly, it’s my communications professor who first introduced me to this phrase. Maybe it’s the way to go in the managerial word. When unable to connect, use ‘having said that’.
Having said all of this, I am wondering whether to and how to incorporate this into my conversations!