Thursday, August 7, 2008

Redbull shoos away sleep??

A friend of mine thought that drinking some Red bull would help him stay awake and do some studying. Sadly enough the 3 times he did drink one, he slept off within 30 minutes. Here’s why I believe it happened. The reason why someone is awake (when sleepy) is cause of some strong determination to not sleep. When you drink a Red bull, you think that that determination is no longer needed as the Red bull will make you non-sleepy. However, a Red bull is only so much powerful. So it’s only able to work for those 30 minutes, after which nothing is working to keep you awake – neither the Red bull, nor your determination.. and hence the outcome! So next time you have one, I’d suggest don’t trust it, still try to stay awake using your willpower and then maybe the Red bull (??) will keep you awake!