Thursday, February 12, 2009

The truth about bitching

The truth is very simple – bitching is therapeutic, stress relieving, entertaining and relaxing. It’s everything which one can want from a conversation at times (not always definitely), when you want to lighten your mood and not really rack your brains and think. The reason why people view bitching in such a negative light is simply cause they don’t understand the therapeutic value of bitching, either cause they’ve never experienced it or cause guilt gets the better of them and prevents them from experiencing it. If people can simply take bitching for what it is – something frivolous and entertaining, and not something which you believe in seriously, or care about, or some truth of this world, they would be able to rid themselves of any guilt feeling associated, and truly enjoy its benefits!

1 comment:

ryan marshall said...

In our organization it's known as "cribbing". It's one of the most biggest stress busters, i'd ever come across. it's an unofficial birht right that every employed person gets.